
Please visit this repeater log link below often as it will explain the quickly evolving background information on the repeaters on all four sites.  CNHARC has lost some critical repeater components because they were actually owned by others and had to be returned. We are working hard to restore the effected repeaters.  The log will explain that status on a daily basis as needed.

click here for the REPEATER LOG. 


CNHARC maintains several repeater systems. Utilizing leases and agreements, the club repeaters are available for all licensed amateur radio operators as well as the NH Hospital Association and other organizations utilizing amateur radio.

Funding comes, in part, from club dues, CNHARC is able to provide fantastic coverage and have high-quality equipment and accessories because of the generous support of the Repeater Sustaining Members.


Gilford Site Franklin Site
N1LT | 146.985 FM W1JY | 147.300 FM
W1JY | 53.770 FM (down for repairs) K1DLM | 145.460 DMR details
K1IW  | 447.775 on the air
W1JY | 224.800 FM
Former Moultonborough Site  (being relocated)
W1JY | 147.390 FM (has returned at a temporary installation)
Sanbornton Site
W1JY | 146.670 C4FM ONLY









Please donate to our Repeater Fund.

If you would like to support our repeater systems, please use the donate button below!