How are Officers different from Board members?
The following are the member-elected officers of the Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club, a Federally recognized 501(c3) non-profit for tax and financial-reporting reasons. The proper operations of the club are governed by State of NH as well as the CNHARC’s bylaws The officer’s term is for one year and elections are held in May. Officers also function as “Executive Board Members”. Only an officer may sign legally binding documents on behalf of the club.
The Club President is also President of the Board/Steering Committee The Board President presides over board meetings and creates the meeting agendas, appoints committees and looks out for the long-term vision of the non-profit organization.
Officers (2024/2025)
President – Rick Zach, KK1RZ (QRZ page)
Treasurer – Jan Britton, KC1SJP (QRZ page)
Secretary – Rich Kumpf, WF1V (QRZ page)
Vice-President – Dave Merchant, K1DLM (QRZ page)
All club officers can be reached by using ‘’.
The Board aka Steering Committee (SC)
The member-elected The Board or Steering Committee works with the Officers in providing guidance and direction to the club but they are far from passive observers. Board/Steering Committee Members are legally defined as “Non-Executive Board Members”. Board members are technically and legally “Directors” but not day-to-day managers. This is a classic role in any corporation. A good board brings a diversity of experience and perspective not otherwise available. For instance a “newbie ham” Board Member may provide invaluable insight as to the needs of new hams which may better serve to help the growth of the club. Board Members may not sign checks or legal documents but they have an important legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that direction of the club remains well-defined and transparent. For instance, small purchases under $500 each for repeater maintenance are not under the purview of the Board but it is good practice to have the Board made aware of the needs. However, if a repeater system needed to be voluntarily decommissioned or assets sold, the Board would need to have a vote based upon member and/or club needs (change of direction). The terms of Board/Steering Committee members are three years (rotating) and elections are held in May. No CNHARC Board Members are board members for a lifetime term for many obvious legal and ethical reasons.
Board/Steering Committee members
Cliff Dickinson, N1RCQ (term expires-2027)
Charlie McAllister, N1NYH (term expires-2027)
Jim Robinton, N1CRZ (term expires-2026)
Bill McAllister, N1NYI (term expires-2025)
Jonathan Wixson, KB1COL, (term expires-2026)
Appointed Positions
Dave Merchant, K1DLM (Field Day Committee Chair)
Rich Kumpf, WF1V & Dave Merchant, K1DLM (Repeater Committee co-Chairs)
Rick Zach, KK1RZ (Interim Communicator Editor… open position)
Rick Zach, KK1RZ (Interim Webmaster… open position)
Repeater Committee
Our new and overall system design goal is for simplicity and standardization
To prevent human burnout among our four repeater sites, each repeater site has a “Site Captain” as a first responder plus at least one other backup person. These people maintain the personal relationship with the site landlords, control site access, ensure the functionality of the repeater “control codes” and share the important local knowledge with the wider repeater committee members. In a more complicated maintenance event, the Site Captain is expected to “call in the Cavalry” when more help is needed. Once more comfortable with the technology at each site, the Site Captain will train club members who request to be trained on the technology and topologies used.
Site Captains
Rick Zach, KK1RZ
Clayton Ferry, N1VAU
Franklin / Veterans Memorial Recreation Area
Kevin McKaig, KC1UDN
Steele Hill / Sanbornton
Janice Britton, KC1SJP
Jonathan Wixon, KB1COL
Moultonborough / Bodge Hill (new temporary installation)
Rich Kumpf, WF1V
Dave Merchant, K1DLM
Technical Specialists not assigned to a single site
Ed O’Hearn, N1EO – RF systems and 7330 controller programming
Kevin McKaig, KC1UDN – 7330 controller programming
Dave Merchant, K1DLM -IT
Jamie Tuttle, KC1KAM -Towers and antennas
Net Control Stations
Up for renewal: Gunstock 2-meter net Tuesdays at 8PM 146.985 (sometimes on 447.775 if 2M is down)
Conrad Ekstrom, AK1NH – Gunstock 6m net 53.77 (returning soon!)
It is key to recognize that Ham Radio is an “always learning” experience and the club has the obligation to share that local knowledge.
Be sure to visit our Repeater Log as it changes more often than weekly.