Welcome to CNHARC


The Gunstock summit lift closes for the season on October 27th.
All of our work must be completed prior to that date.

Repeater restoration details here Repeater Log


Member-owned and CNHARC-owned gear for sale at NearFest here .

More NearFest information soon via email.


October dinner and meeting Tuesday October 1st at 7PM

Join us at 5:15PM for an informal club dinner at Guisseppis in Meredith. Ask for “The Radio Club”.   Note: The time had to be moved to 5:15 due to other bookings.

7PM Meeting to be held at the Meredith Public Library
(The Gilford Public Library was unavailable)


  1. A quick repeater restoration update about all four sites.
  2. If you’ve never POTA’d, (Parks on the Air) you may want to try this…  Think of POTA as Field Day Lite.  As opposed to your home station, POTA requires that you set up a new anternna system for each event… meaning that you quickly learn a LOT about antennas… verticals, dipoles, end fed falf waves, grounding systems and a lot more.  Our meeting will include a live zoom session with noted POTA YouTuber, Michael Martens, KB9VBR.   This is his Hamvention presentation but ours will be different.  This will be a fun event!
  3. The wonderful world of drones in amateur radio by Cliff Dickenson, N1RCQ

A drone view of our Franklin, NH repeater site.



November meeting at 7PM
Due to election day, the meeting date might not be held on November 5th. We’re working on alternatives.

Topic:  SOTA (Summits on the Air) as opposed to POTA (Parks on the Air).  They are similar in concept but are also quite different in several ways



These were our September meeting presentations for all members to be aware of.    (click on the links to view or download)

  1. Repeater Restoration Earmarked Donations Fund    voting results here
  2. Donations form for for above 
  3. Club direction from the September-3rd 2024 by the club president
  4. Repeater Committee Report
  5. Member repeater survey results 


Become a member and learn about our hobby of 100 other hobbies.


The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio club is an IRS-Recognized 501(c3) non-profit organization.
Federal ID#  05-0432621