CNHARC March meting is ON! Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 in Meredith
The meeting was touch and go for a short while because the presenter had to make an unexpected trip to Mass General (he’s OK). So we now have an excellent Plan-B!
Part-1: Field Day plans Rich Kumpf, WF1V will introduce our first looks at Field Day 2025 with pictures.
- A totally new location with trees to hang antennas, level ground, easy access and plenty of parking.
- But wait… there’s more! How about no more tents by using an enclosed facility complete with flush toilets and a commercial kitchen. In fact, the facility already has an HF station installed.
- Off grid power will be supplied.
- A group discussion about using club-provided radios, BYOR (bring your own radio) or some hybrid combination of both
Part-2: The club will be starting a DMR special interest group. DMR offers some great capabilities but programming your first radio and understanding the networking system can be a daunting task. Rich Kumpf, WF1V will be polling the attendees on how to start the group.
Part-3: The main event. Spencer Webb, W2SW is an MIT graduate who designs antenna systems as a consulting service for a living. He has been known to design custom antennas for ham radio use but his presentation will go into antenna theory and good antenna design in general. https://www.antennasys.com/design-gallery/design-examples
Member socializing and dinner pre-meeting. 5PM at Giuseppe’s in Meredith.
Meeting following at 6:30PM at the Meredith Public Library
If you can’t attend in person, here is the Zoom info for the meeting Tuesday night. Anonymous sign-ins will not be permitted.
CNHARC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
March 2025 Club Meeting
Time: Mar 11, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 603 800 9105
Passcode: 0311
Weekly net is on the Gunstock 2M repeater, Tuesdays at 8PM but not on meeting nights.
Listen: 146.985 User Transmit: 146.385 PL-123.0
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