Welcome to CNHARC






Amateur Radio Operators are needed for safety communication for the following event:

Laconia World Championship Sled Dog Derby February 21, 22 & 23, starting near Parade Road in Laconia NH.  The weather is looking great!

The latest update from Cliff, N1RCQ is below.   revised 2-19-2025  11AM

Race Operations
Primary: Central NH ARES  simplex  147.540  no PL  aka Tactical-1
Alternate: simplex 147.495  no PL  aka Tactical-2
Other simplex:  As determined locally   aka Tactical-3

Talkin or other purposes
Primary: Gunstock VHF Repeater: 146.985- CTCSS: 123.0 Hz

This has always been a fun event in which to participate.  CNHARC & ARES participation in these races has been going on for decades.  These pictures are from 2003 which is 22 years ago!


Look for the communications trailer at the starting line with the CNHARC signs.

These are direct links to the event organizer web site:

Event Brochure
Trail Map
The sled dog event official organizer


This is the latest verbatim update from Cliff, N1RCQ as of 11AM on 2-19-2025:

Amateur Radio info for the 2025 Laconia Sled Dog Races

Talk-in Frequency (not operations): Gunstock repeater   146.985 –  123.0 CTCSS
We will be meeting at the Start/Finish line Located at Rt. 106, Old North Main St. & Right Way Path intersection

At 9:20am on Friday and 9:30 on Sat & Sun. (please park on the side of the road.  Do not drive down into the field).

Flexibility is KEY for this event as changes in weather, trail conditions & other things may cause major course reroutes.  Race start times may vary & other changes may occur with very little warning.

There are three races for this event a 16+ mile race, a shorter 6 mile race & three-Dog Junior race on Saturday & Sunday.

Time Line:

Meet at start/finish line 9:20am on Friday and 9:30 on Sat & Sun

9:40am all hams at their assigned check points setting up and testing radio comms with Net Control Station (NCS) and their spotters.

10:00 AM six dog race starts. Should run (depending on number of teams) about 1 ½ hours + or – a little.

11:45 AM Three Dog Junior Race ham team setting up and testing radio comms with NCS and spotter.

12:00N  Three Dog Junior race starts should run 30 min + or –

12:30 PM: all hams at their assigned check points setting up for 1:00pm race Friday, Saturday & Sunday for open class race, testing comms with NCS and spotters.

1:00 PM Open Class dog race starts Friday, 1:30 on Saturday & Sunday, Should run (depending on number of teams) about 2 hours½ + or – a little.


146.985 –   123.0 CTCSS  Gunstock repeater talk-in 

147.540 simplex (Tactical one, Primary Event Frequency)

147.495 simplex (Tactical two Secondary Frequency)

simplex as needed  (Tactical three)

Please have your HT’s and Mobiles radios programmed with the event Frequencies.  For the most part HT’s will cover this course but it is recommended to have a ¼ wave gain antenna for your HT versus the stock, minimum-range rubber duck that came with the HT.

All Hams must have on a Hi-Visibility jacket or vest if you don’t have one check with the Net Control station (NCS) to borrow one!

Wait for Police or Event Staff to stop traffic before walking in the road!

Be Alert, keep good situational awareness of road traffic & sled dog teams!

Operators at checkpoints are requested to log the bib numbers as well as the time the teams passed the checkpoint. As checkpoints locations are closely located NSC will only be collecting bib numbers and times for selected checkpoints. Transmit this information to net control as soon as these teams pass your checkpoint. This information is always considered non-emergency radio traffic.

In the event of an emergency, notify Net Control.

Communicate clearly as to the nature of the emergency and wait for Net Control to instruct you what to do. (All other operators hold your traffic).

Tactical Call Signs will be assigned for this event, check with NCS (Net Control Station) for you tactical call sign when you get on station.

At many roads crossing there is little or no visibility of approaching dog teams.

In these locations we will assign a ham radio spotter 20+ yards up the trail to radio a heads up a team coming so Police & Event staff  can get traffic stopped in time for the dogs to safely cross.

Each crossing check point may have its own simplex frequency for the spotters back to the crossing.   Frequency to be deiced on by the hams on location.

If you have not programmed your HT in a while you might want to bring along your manual, we have also used FRS / GMRS radios in the past also.

There should be trail crew & volunteers at each road crossing to provide Mushers assistances if needed & guide them across the road. Your primary responsibility is safety communications, but you may assist the trail/crossing crew if you wish.

Keep in mind that Sled dogs are kennel dog not house pets, be careful if you find yourself in a position to have to handle them.

Wait for Police or Event Staff to stop traffic before walking in the road!

Be Alert, keep good situational awareness of road traffic & sled dog teams!

PRECAUTIONS:  It’s Winter, expect changing temps & weather this is an event where you will be outside. Check the local forecast and dress for the weather. HAVE warm clothing with you (mittens, hats, winter jackets, extra socks and waterproof winter boots.
BE PREPARED! It can be very cold and windy at some of the check points BRING EXTRA CLOTHES!

Please bring along a clipboard, pad of paper and pen and pencil. Log
sheets & other needed paper work will be passed out when you check in.

Looking at the schedule you will see we have a little down time between races, you may use this time to come back to the start / finish line to check out all the activities going on, go into Laconia for a quick snack at one of the many eateries, warm up in your car, meet up with other event hams and trade war stories. I do ask that you be back for the next race at least 20 min before the start time & to check in with NSC for updates.

If you have a camera bring it along, you may be able to get some neat pictures of the dogs.

Family & friends are welcome to come along, Please Do Not Bring Your Dog!

Any question please email me.

If you will be unable to make the event please let me know ASAP. 

Clifford Dickinson (N1RCQ)
Central NH Amateur Radio Club
EC Central NH ARES
Email n1rcq@metrocast.net

Suggested Gear:

  • Clothing for any weather (check the forecast)
  • Clip board writing paper and pens/pencils
  • Food / water / medication to sustain you all day
  • Extra radio & batteries
  • Radio manuals
  • Folding/camp chair
  • Camera
  • Change of socks/gloves
  • Snow shoes
  • Traction for boots.
  • Hand/Foot warmers

de Cliff, N1RCQ   rev: 2-19-2025  11:00 AM


Weekly net is on the Gunstock 2M repeater, Tuesdays at 8PM but not on meeting nights.
Listen:  146.985       User Transmit:  146.385    PL-123.0


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The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio club is an IRS-Recognized 501(c3) non-profit organization.
IRS  ID#  05-0432621